Veronica is out of the hospital, she is doing better. Thank you all for praying. To God be the glory!


Thanks for praying for Zoen. He has quit drinking. Please continue to pray for him.


I would like to give a praise report about how far my daughter has come in her healing. She is doing more then I could have ever imagined. She is learning to talk and walk again. She is living life on her own. I praise God for how far she's come.


V's daughter is with her mother. Thanks for praying. God answered prayer.


Thank you for praying for my brother Russell and Christine, his wife, they finally got their power on, and have a place to live.


Praise Reports!

Praise the Lord Jesus! The little girl that needed a miracle woke up, and is doing good. Please continue to pray
for a full recovery. Thank you for praying.


Rea finally escaped from a toxic work environment, and was able to retire, after years of prayer. So thank you!!!


Thank you everyone for praying for my cousin Wendy’s son. He has been found. Please continue to pray for the family. Greatly appreciate all the prayers.


Hi. I want to thank you to all who have prayed for my family and friends. Thank you for helping me pray through difficult sicknesses too. God has been so good, and I praise Him!


I have moved to daytime. God provided, I was working nights, and not able to go to church. Now after 20 years, He has made a way for me to go to daytime work. I was only doing tithes, but I started paying both tithes and offering by faith. I want to be able to give to missions.


I requested prayer for Michael, who was in a coma. The Lord brought him out, and he is responsive. The Lord is so good!


I am grateful unto God for what He has done. I have better communication with my family. That is a very big need. Thank you for praying.


One of the surgeons stopped to talk to us after the CT scan. He explained the Sherry's brain indeed had sunk, but then GOD! After the plate was installed, which BTW "fit so well that looks like her own piece", her brain has expanded back to normal, looking perfect. Praise be unto God!!


Tracy came home from the hospital. God is still in the healing business!!!


Dudley had the surgery for hernia last December, and is now in perfect health. Thank for praying.


A few days after my request was put up, Rob found a perfect match for a kidney transplant. So thankful to have this site as a resource, prayer works!


Prayer is your greatest power!

Thank you for praying!


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Urgent Prayer Needs

October 1 - October 7, 2024

  • Jordan is seven years old. He is in the hospital right now because of an epileptic seizure. He repeatedly has those attacks, and needs healing. 

  • Ashleigh has two holes that are causing her to leak brain fluid. She needs the holes to close in Jesus name.  

  • Betty needs prayer for her grandchild. Rayon. He is in ICU. He is Diabetic and autistic. Betty just turned 80 this year. She also needs prayer for salvation for her family.  

  • Three month old Sophie was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her parents are devastated. Please help pray for complete healing for this baby.  

  • Please pray for three month old Preston. He is bleeding internally. They aren’t sure where he is bleeding from. He has already had a blood transfusion. He is in the hospital.  

  • Donna broke her arm in two place below the shoulder. They cannot put a cast on because of where the breaks are. 

  • Brian has declined physically, mentally, cognitively, and emotionally. Please pray for a miracle and complete healing. The doctors are unsure of the cause.  

  • My brother’s mother in law, Cindy, has a Traumatic Brain Injury, and is being flown to Chicago. She is in critical condition. 

  • Grace is 9 years old, and is in the hospital battling pneumonia. She is not responding to antibiotics.  

  • Edward has cancer that has spread to his organs and he needs a miracle. 

  • Sue is in ICU and has coded twice. Her health is rapidly regressing. 

  • Frederick is fatally ill spiritually and mentally. He also needs protection.  

  • Debra had a stroke and is in critical condition. 

  • Donald's life is at great risk and he needs divine protection. 

  • Renee has critical cancer and needs a miracle. 

  • Linda needs a healing miracle. She has Leukemia, and has been taking chemotherapy. She has developed a fungus on her brain. The doctors only gave her a70% chance they can kill the fungus.  

  • Darlene had a massive stroke. She had surgery for an aneurysm on her brain. 

  • Jeff has Parkinson's, and is only 54 years old. His mental decline is worsening. He needs God’s intervention. 

  • Paul needs a kidney transplant (both kidneys), he is having to do dialysis five days a week. 
    Rachael his wife is a nurse, who works 12 hours shifts, and is home by 8 pm, does dialysis, which lasts three to four hours. She gets three hours sleep, and gets up at 5 am to get ready for work. They need a miracle. 

  • Doreen has been in ICU for five weeks. Please pray that she will show significant improvement in the next 24 hours. That she will be off the ventilator, cured of all infections in her body, and be able to respond to doctors. 

  • Nicole’s son has been missing for two days, and has an addiction problem. Pray for his safe return. 

  • Chantel has been missing for four years from the Boston area. Pray for answers for her sister, and family. 

  • Sharyne requests prayer for pastor‘s wife, who had a stroke, and is in intensive care. Please pray for the pastor, his family, and the congregation.  

  • Katie has been very sick. She has lost about 60 pounds, and can not lose anymore. Katie has had many different allergies, and even a bad tick bite. 

  • Please pray for Cynthia. She has a very recent diagnosis of breast cancer, and has gone through chemo and radiation. She is single, and has a 14 year old son, who lives with her, and a daughter who lives out of state. On July 18th this year, her 25 year old son committed suicide. She has not returned to work so far, and has had no income since. Please pray that God would comfort her and keep her during these trials. 

  • Alina needs a miracle healing of cancer. And that she will wake up from her coma completely healed, completely restored, that she will regain her memories, be able care for herself and her daughter, and do everything she used to do. 

  • Bob, a UPCI minister, is in constant pain from a health issue. He fears that he may have had a nervous breakdown from the isolation, loneliness, and discomfort. 

  • Vicky has been told by doctors that she has a bacteria in her stomach, which is causing her medical issues. At this moment, she is having difficulty eating or drinking water. 

  • Jim was having heart issues, and admitted to hospital. He just had open heart surgery, and they are seeing abnormal readings on the EKG.  

  • NE has a uterine mass. Testing will determine if it is cancerous. Pray for a good report. She also needs healing for Atrial fibrillation, lymphedema, diverticulitis, and a post-surgery perforated appendix. 

  • Angelo needs a financial miracle in every area of his life. Health, finances, a place to live, and other basic human needs.  

  • Anthony is dealing with depression and anxiety, including stomach issues. He has celiac disease and can't eat, throws up, GERD every night, leading to constant depression and feelings of hopelessness.  

  • Tara and Al’s newborn will be in the NICU for at least four days, being tested Downs and meningitis. Pray for salvation, healing, and peace. 


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